viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

The Solar System- Crossword- Reading, writing and use of English

Hello everyone! It´s crossword time
Click here to get your worksheet. Remember to read the clues carefully.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Beatriz! Let me start saying that I like your blog and the activities you've designed. Nonetheless, I think this one lacks of vocabulary or some explanations. I suppose you've previously worked on the topic, am I right? I think some clues would make it easier for the students.

    Kind regards,

  2. Obviously Pilar!
    It is supposed that I have worked with the students this topic before in class and I want them to practice the vocabulary (use of English).
    Many thanks.

  3. Hi Beatriz!

    I love this activity because i think that it's a good way to introduce english in other subjects like science. With this activity they learn new vocabulary. Fantastic!
